Monday, July 7, 2008

Now and Then

I look back on my Village days

so filled with life -- the many ways

we used to revel! Swords of light

arrayed against the dark of night.

Yes, we were quite another kind:

bright Knights and Ladies of the mind.

Bring on the World! Its equal, we

would conquer all that we could see.

But now my world’s grown rather thin.

I rest. I take my medicine

when it is time. My Lady sits

across the room. She hums. She knits.

1 comment:

Kc said...

Ahh. Nice rhythm.
From the end:
I get the feeling it is not the end for your man. Something still can occur.

Nice lexicon through the middle =) very nice.

have a look at mine... the lack of poetry annoys me.
But you'll see it soon enough.